Welcoming the 2026 Economic Census, BPS collaborates with DPMPTP Jawa Tengah Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Welcoming the 2026 Economic Census, BPS collaborates with DPMPTP Jawa Tengah Province

Welcoming the 2026 Economic Census, BPS collaborates with DPMPTP Jawa Tengah Province

January 14, 2025 | BPS Activities

The 2026 Economic Census is a major activity carried out every decade which of course requires coordination and data support from many parties, one of which is the DPMPTS of Jawa Tengah Province. 

For this reason, the Head of Jawa Tengah Province BPS Endang Tri Wahyuningsih and his staff visited the Jawa Tengah Province DPMPTSP on Tuesday, January 14 2025. The visit was received directly by the Head of Jawa Tengah Province DPMPTS, Sakina Rosellasari. 

In this meeting, Endang expressed his appreciation for the synergy so far and invited him to participate in overseeing the implementation of the 2026 Economic Census and other BPS survey activities. 

2026 Economic Census to realize Indonesia's economic independence

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