BPS Collaborates with Kemenkumham Towards WBBM - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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BPS Collaborates with Kemenkumham Towards WBBM

BPS Collaborates with Kemenkumham Towards WBBM

August 6, 2024 | Other Activities

SEMARANG, jateng.bps.go.id - In the context of developing the Integrity Zone towards WBBM, BPS of Jawa Tengah Province conducted a visit to the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of Jawa Tengah Province on Tuesday, August 6, 2024. The visit carried out by the Head of BPS of Jawa Tengah Province, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih along with the Bureaucratic Reform Team was welcomed by the Head of the Regional Office of Kemenkumham of Jawa Tengah Province, Tejo Harwanto and his staff. This visit aims to share experiences and best practices in the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform (RB) in both work units.

During the visit, Endang said that in 2024 there were 11 BPS work units in Jawa Tengah Province that were proposed to the National Assessment Team (TPN), with details of 1 provincial BPS work unit proposed as a WBBM work unit and 10 district/city BPS work units proposed as WBK work units. Meanwhile, Tejo conveyed the best practices implemented in the Jawa Tengah Province Ministry of Law and Human Rights environment, making it the second best in the implementation of RB in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights environment throughout Indonesia.

On this occasion, Endang also directly reviewed public services at the Jawa Tengah Province Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office. Both Endang and Tejo hope that the collaboration in the development of ZI that is currently being carried out can provide added value in the development of ZI in both work units.
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