BPS Prov.Jawa Tengah collaborates with the BAPPEDA Jawa Tengah to hold a Statistical Coaching Clinic - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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BPS Prov.Jawa Tengah collaborates with the BAPPEDA Jawa Tengah to hold a Statistical Coaching Clinic

BPS Prov.Jawa Tengah collaborates with the BAPPEDA Jawa Tengah to hold a Statistical Coaching Clinic

July 25, 2018 | Other Activities

"Science is not to be memorized, but which provides benefits"

This is what motivates BPS Provinsi Jawa Tengah to continue to develop the National Statistics System (SSN) and bring data closer to users. Tuesday (24/07), BPS Provinsi Jawa Tengah collaborated with the BAPPEDA Jawa Tengah to hold a Statistical Coaching Clinic (SCC) with the theme of Statistical Data Analysis in Planning Document Planning.
In this activity, attending and being the speaker was the Head of the BPS Jawa Tengah, Head of Social Statistics, Head of Distribution Statistics and Head of Nerwilis Division. The material about how to understand strategic indicators, HDI, GRDP, inflation and poverty is delivered in an interesting way to be easily understood.
Data is important in development planning and good planning contributes greatly to development.
(HUMAS / news: TiQ - photo: dwia)
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