BPS Jawa tengah Welcomes Ramadhan 1446 H with JUMANJI - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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BPS Jawa tengah Welcomes Ramadhan 1446 H with JUMANJI

BPS Jawa tengah Welcomes Ramadhan 1446 H with JUMANJI

February 28, 2025 | Other Activities

SEMARANG, jateng.bps.go.id - In order to welcome the holy month of Ramadhan 1446 Hijriyah, Jawa Tengah Province BPS held JUMANJI activities on Friday, February 28 2024. The activity which was held in the 5th floor hall was entitled Friday Welcoming Ramadhan to a pure heart. The event began with fun Kahoot games which were attended by all Jawa Tengah Province BPS employees.

Head of BPS Jawa Tengah Province, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih was pleased to be present to greet all employees virtually. In his direction, Endang said that today's Jumanji is one of the activities to increase togetherness, which is the core value of being moral, harmonious and collaborative.  

The event closed with a lecture from Arjuliwondo in preparation for Ramadhan. The event continued with hospitality, to forgive each other between employees in order to cleanse their hearts and souls in welcoming the holy month of Ramadan.
Hopefully all Jawa Tengah Province BPS employees will be given health while fasting. 

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