0.20 Percent Inflation in Central Java Post-Eid Al-Fitr - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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0.20 Percent Inflation in Central Java Post-Eid Al-Fitr

0.20 Percent Inflation in Central Java Post-Eid Al-Fitr

May 2, 2024 | BPS Activities

Welcoming the month of May, Central Java Province BPS again released the Official Statistical News (BRS) on Thursday, May 2 2024. The indicators released include inflation, farmer exchange rate (NTP), tourism statistics, exports and imports, and transportation statistics.

After Eid al-Fitr, Central Java inflation in April 2024 reached 0.20% (m-to-m) or 3.27% (y-on-y). The biggest contributor to inflation in April 2024 was the transportation group which contributed 0.09%, followed by the personal care and other services group with an inflation contribution of 0.07%.

This release activity is quite different compared to previous BRS releases. Attended by the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Central Java Province, Sumarno, this BRS release was followed by assistance with inflation control for three new inflation calculating regions in Central Java, namely Wonosobo Regency, Wonogiri Regency and Rembang Regency.

This assistance presented resource persons from the Head of the Central Java Province Financial Services Authority (OJK), Sumarjono and the Deputy Head of Central Java Province Bank Indonesia (BI) Representative, Ndari Surjaningsih. With this assistance, it is hoped that the 3 regional governments in the district will be able to play a greater role in controlling inflation in their respective regions.
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