Thursday (1/8), Central Java Province BPS released the Central Java Province July 2019 increase of 0.39 percent.
BPS Central Java Province noted, 5 main contributing commodities of July 2019, namely: red chili, cayenne pepper, green chili, high school fees, and elementary school fees.
Apparently after the red peppers became the main cause of inflation in June 2019, now the compact "chilli gang" is the main cause of July 2019. On the other hand, the onion and garlic duo are the main coatings protected by July 2019.
In July 2019, all Central Java CPI cities experienced an increase. The highest inflation in Tegal City was 0.54 percent, while the lowest was in CIlacap of 0.14 percent. The city of Semarang as the provincial capital is equivalent to Central Java, which is equal to 0.39 percent.
Want to know more? Click the following link: https://jateng.bps.go.id/pressrelease/2019/08/01/1065/July-2019-jawa-tengah-inflation- as much as-39-39-percent-.html 📝 📊 [agitadw ]
#pers conference
#consumer price index