Training for Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey Officers in Jawa Tengah Province 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Training for Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey Officers in Jawa Tengah Province 2023

Training for Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey Officers in Jawa Tengah Province 2023

August 1, 2023 | BPS Activities

Hello #sahabatstatistik, currently training is being carried out for officers of the Central Java Province Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey in 2023.

The Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey (SPAK) aims to measure the level of anti-corruption behavior in society using the Anti-Corruption Behavior Index (IPAK), this survey only measures people's behavior in petty corruption and does not cover grand corruption. .

The IPAK itself is composed of 2 indices namely, the Perception Index and the Experience Index, the Perception Index shows people's understanding and evaluation of anti-corruption behavior, namely perceptions of anti-corruption habits/behaviors in society while the Community Experience Index shows experience when dealing with public services and other experiences.

The Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey will be carried out on 7 August - 7 September 2023, in 26 Regencies/Cities in Central Java, so please welcome the officers.
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