RECEIVING BATCHING DOKUMEN SP2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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October 22, 2020 | BPS Activities

#repost from @bpskabrembang The implementation of the Population Census field is over. The next stage is processing the SP2020 document. The processing stages are carried out by stages: pre-computer processing and computer processing. For now it is still in the pre-computer stage. At this stage it is a processing activity BEFORE the data is processed using a computer. This pre-computer stage starts from receiving and batching (receiving documents from field officers), up to editing / coding (checking and encoding) which is carried out at the Regency / City BPS. Receiving and batching is carried out by the Administration Subdivision. And after completing receiving and batching activities, editing / coding will be carried out which is the responsibility of the Social Statistics Section. Currently, BPS Rembang Regency is still doing the receiving and batching stages carried out by the Administration subsection with the help of friends from statistical partners. Receiving documents is entered through SIPMEN (Document Receiving Information System). Keep up the spirit and prioritize health protocols.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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