SP2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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July 14, 2019 | Other Activities

Carving History on the Island of the Gods.

Liuk, a legong dancer, welcomed the arrival of the Director General of Population and Civil Registration, Zudan Arif, together with BPS Deputy for Social Statistics, Margo Yuwono. The presence of these two important figures of population invited the Chairman of the Statistics Community Forum (FMS), Bustanul Arifin in the FMS Workshop entitled "Towards One Population Data" earlier (10/7). Attended by members of the FMS in the field of population work, all BPS heads of districts / municipalities in the environment of the province of Bali, staff of the dukcapil office in the province of Bali, as well as various related institutions, implementation involving installation of data by the owner, represented by Zudan and Margo, as well as user data represented by Head of the FEUI Demography Institute, Turro Selrits Wongkaren, and Udayana University development economics researcher, IGW. Murjana Yasa.

Head of BPS of the Province of Bali, Adi Nugroho, in his remarks said that the Province of Bali was fortunate to be chosen as one of the historical challenges in unifying population data. Data from the 2020 Population Census (SP2020) which uses the dukcapil database will be shared by the government, government and community. "If each one has good (data), of course it would be better if you have one good data used together. Let's invite the public to do an online census, let them know, the real benefits and keep their data like that," he said.

Adi's opinion is agreed by Zudan. He assured that the Single Identity Number (SIN) is a solution to avoid the existence of a double-digit population and a long-standing polemic in the community. "We are not the perpetrators of history, but BPS and Dukcapil," said Arifin when giving a conclusion to close the meeting. He was grateful for the support of the Provincial Government of Bali, especially Jembrana Regency, which he said was extraordinary. According to his observations in the field, BPS should not burden the public with many questions in the implementation of the online census when SP2020 next year. Previously (9/7), FMS had the opportunity to visit Sangkaragung Village. One of the locations for SP2020 Rehearsal.
# SP2020
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Tengah (Statistics of Jawa Tengah Province)Jl.Pahlawan No. 6 Telp. 024 - 8412802


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