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SP2020 Rehearsal in Surakarta
August 28, 2019 | BPS Activities
When continuing, the final evaluation of the SP2020 Net Gradi, after the long process of the SP2020 Net Rehearsal in Surakarta, was completed. .
The rehearsal process which took a lot of time, energy and thought required preparation and mako BPS in Surakarta City for the past 2.5 months.
Clean rehearsals that carried out not only a part but the entire plan carried out by SP2020. Or more precisely the miniature SP2020 .. The next homework is to find out and find solutions to find, ask for and question further about what needs to be done also appeared at the national level.
The final evaluation itself took place at the Surakarta Hotel and Restaurant Paragon, which was attended by Mako BPS of the Province and all heads of Regencies / Cities and Head of Social Affairs / Mako in Central Java. The event opened with remarks by Sestama, BPS-RI. Adi Lumaksono and group discussions that discussed the SP2020 business process guided by SIS Director Muhamad Romzi.
On this occasion also explained in complete chronology with all the problems during the rehearsal process took place by the Acting Head of BPS Surakarta Surakarta Agus Sudibyo. Thank you Jebres residents and BPS colleagues in the city of Surakarta for your services to Indonesia.