Launched the SP2020 Preparation Team and the SP2020 Coordination Headquarters (MARKO) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Launched the SP2020 Preparation Team and the SP2020 Coordination Headquarters (MARKO)

Launched the SP2020 Preparation Team and the SP2020 Coordination Headquarters (MARKO)

May 27, 2019 | BPS Activities

There was another event at the Happy Monday (HM) BPS of Central Java Province Monday, May 27, 2019 in Hall of 5th Floor BPS of Central Java Province. Because, this time HM specifically discussed the preparation of the 2020 Population Census (SP2020). The HM event began with the activities of the Launch of the SP2020 Preparation Team and the Central Java Province SP2020 Coordination Headquarters in 2019. The formation of the Preparation Team was aimed at the smooth implementation of the SP2020 preparation activities in Central Java. In addition, the preparation team also facilitated communication between the central BPS and regional BPS.
The implementation of SP2020 is getting closer, the preparations made by BPS in Central Java Province are also getting stronger. Are we ready to welcome SP2020?
Stay tuned for updates on the SP2020 development only at @bpsprovjateng!
📝 [KJ, mirayu]
📷 [dwia, herry]

# Population Census2020
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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