CAPI / PAPI Regional Instructor (Inda) training in Central Java Provincial BPS Hall. - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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CAPI / PAPI Regional Instructor (Inda) training in Central Java Provincial BPS Hall.

CAPI / PAPI Regional Instructor (Inda) training in Central Java Provincial BPS Hall.

July 18, 2019 | BPS Activities

The combination method (combined method) that will be applied for the implementation of SP2020 has a special commitment that is waiting to be implemented.

SP2020's Rehearsal as a form of preparation, has completed the CAWI (Computer Aided Web Interviewing) process and has prepared a Population Register. SP2020's Rehearsal in Central Java Province was held in Jebres Village, Surakarta City. The next step is the CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) / PAPI (Paper Assisted Personal Interviewing) field stage. Before the implementation of the field, training is conducted for both instructors and officers.

On Thursday, July 18, 2019, the CAPI / PAPI Regional Instructor (Inda) training was held in the Central Java Provincial BPS Hall.
The aim of the CAPI / PAPI Indonesian Language Training is to increase understanding and equalize perceptions about the understanding, the resolution used, and the SOP of the entire CAPI / PAPI implementation process. Thus, Inda can prepare a quality field, not only complementing cognitive aspects, but also aspects of morale and work motivation.

Skuy! #SahabatStatistik updates continue to develop SP2020 through @bpsprovjateng!

# SP2020
# RehearsalSP2020
#jatenggayeng 📝] KJ, mirayu]
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