Cross Validation of the 2019 PMTB Disaggregation Compilation Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Cross Validation of the 2019 PMTB Disaggregation Compilation Survey

Cross Validation of the 2019 PMTB Disaggregation Compilation Survey

July 15, 2019 | BPS Activities

Cross Validation of the 2019 PMTB Disaggregation Compilation Survey

After going through the PMTB disaggregation survey data collection, the next step is pre-computer validation or popularly called editing. This editing activity is carried out starting July 1 - 15 2019.

The Regional Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis sector has a tradition of cross-editing between districts as a former residency. The goal is to cross-edit between districts to get quality and provide input between districts / cities so that it requires the same perception and in accordance with the SOP.

Cross-editing is done in six TCs and is guided by supervisors from BPS Central Java Province. Cross-editing is done for 2 effective days with each TC is
1. TC Residency Semarang is located in the City of Salatiga and opened by the Main Inspectorate of BPS RI, Drs. Akhmad Jaelani, M.Sc.
2. TC Starch Residency is located in Kudus Regency and opened by BPS Head of Central Java Province, Sentot Bangun Widoyono, M.A
3. The TC Residency of Surakarta is located in the city of Surakarta opened by the Head of Statistics of Regional Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis BPS of Central Java Province
4. The Residency of Banyumas in the Cilacap Regency was opened by the Head of Regional Balance Statistics and BPS Statistical Analysis of Central Java Province
5. TC Kedu Residency in Wonosobo Regency was opened by BPS Wonosobo Head Drs. Wazzirudin
6. TC Pekalongan Residency in Pemalang Regency was opened by BPS Head of Pemalang Dra. Prita Rextiana, MM.

Thus the data of friends, we continue to provide the best to ask for quality data. Make the data we produce useful and well targeted for development. 📝 [KJ: at @ n @ dwiS] [Cross Edit Team]

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