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Central Java Plantation Company Survey Award 2019
August 13, 2019 | BPS Activities
Central Java Plantation Company Survey Award 2019
# SahabatStatistik in the series of events in the Workshop on Data Processing Results of a Survey of Plantation Companies in Central Java 2019, was awarded. This award is an award given by BPS of Central Java Province to companies that in 2018 collaborated in surveying plantation company surveys. This assessment is based on categories related to data coordination, completeness and quality, and timeliness of data delivery.
From this evaluation, three respondents from the best plantation companies were selected, namely PT. Pagilaran which is operated in Banjarnegara Regency, PT. Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Krumput) in Banyumas Regency and PT. Kebon Agung (PG. Trangkil) located in Pati Regency.
The award was given directly by the Secretary of the Central Java Province, the Head of Central Java Province BPS and the Head of the Agriculture and Plantation Service for the best, second and second plantation companies.