Inter-Regional Trade Survey 2019 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Inter-Regional Trade Survey 2019

Inter-Regional Trade Survey 2019

April 3, 2019 | BPS Activities

Inter-regional trade has an important role in the economy of the community because it describes a series of lines of movement of goods from one region to another.
The availability and different needs of commodities in each province and the high fluctuations and disparities in prices of basic goods between regions are the driving factors for trade between regions.
For that reason BPS held a training of Inter-Regional Trade Survey officers held at the Grand Artos Hotel
Magelang on 2-6 April 2019 guided by National Instructors, Ade Sandi and Yusnita Dewanti.
The hope is that from the Inter-Regional Trade Survey activity, a map of trade maps between regions will be obtained as a reference
the establishment of a more efficient trade distribution system.
Even though it's a holiday, we are still enthusiastic about learning to produce quality data 💪💪💪 this is our holiday activity, guys. What about you?
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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