Efforts to Improve the Quality of Survey Data for 2018 PMTB Disaggregation Preparation - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Efforts to Improve the Quality of Survey Data for 2018 PMTB Disaggregation Preparation

Efforts to Improve the Quality of Survey Data for 2018 PMTB Disaggregation Preparation

October 30, 2018 | BPS Activities

To improve the quality of the 2018 PMTB Disaggregation Preparation Survey data,  BPS Jawa Tengah Province held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) centered on 6 TCs according to residency and held simultaneously on 29 October 2018. The six TCs included: Banyumas Residency at Aston Banyumas Hotel; Kedu Residency in Artos Hotel, Magelang Regency; Surakarta Residency at The Sunan Hotel Surakarta; Holy Residency in the Griptha Holy Hotel; Semarang residency at Grand Candi Hotel Semarang and Pekalongan Residency at Santika Hotel Pekalongan.
Each TC presents speakers from BPS and business actors. FGD participants beside from
the Head of the Nerwilis Section of the Regency / City BPS also came from non-financial companies. In addition to the FGD activities, the Indepth Survey also conducted activities for participants from the company. The existence of these activities is expected to add other information that enriches the data of the 2018 PMTB Disaggregation Compilation Survey.
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