Progress of Finalizing 2018 Cost of Living (SBH) Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Progress of Finalizing 2018 Cost of Living (SBH) Survey

Progress of Finalizing 2018 Cost of Living (SBH) Survey

March 26, 2019 | BPS Activities

In order to discuss progress on finalizing the 2018 Living Cost Survey (SBH), on Tuesday (26/3), a video conference (vicon) was held by the Indonesian BPS with Provincial BPS throughout Indonesia.

In the vicon, Deputy of Distribution and Services Statistics, Yunita Rusanti and Director of Price Statistics, Nurul Hasanudin, conveyed the importance of the 2018 SBH commodity package selection which represented the latest public consumption patterns. In addition, socialization with relevant stakeholders in each region is important before the release of the new base year CPI 2018 = 100.

The 2018 SBH records household consumption expenditures in urban areas aimed at producing the latest commodity packages and weigh diagrams in calculating CPI / inflation in accordance with the latest public consumption patterns. The results of the 2018 SBH will be used as the basis for calculating the CPI and inflation with the new base year (2018 = 100) so that the quality of the 2018 SBH will greatly determine the direction of macroeconomic planning, especially with regard to the government's inflation target.
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