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Weighing Diagram Workshop for 2018 SBH and CPI Base Year 2018=100
April 12, 2019 | BPS Activities
Thursday (11/4), Head of the BPS Jawa Tengah Province Distribution Statistics Division, Arjuliwondo attended the Weight Cost Survey (SBH) Survey 2018 and Consumer Price Index (CPI) Base Year 2018 = 100 at the Phoenix Hotel, Yogyakarta.
The workshop, which was attended by the Head of the Provincial BPS Distribution Statistics throughout Indonesia, aimed to evaluate the comparability of the results of 2018 SBH between regions, especially related to the ranking / ranking of cities based on the 2018 SBH Total Consumption Value.
HCV reflects how much the average household expenditure per month is used for consumption purposes in a city. In this case, the evaluation of the fairness of ranking between cities is very important. Cities that are more economically advanced, their HCVs should tend to be higher. Likewise, cities in Eastern Indonesia, where prices of consumer goods are more expensive, are likely to also have high HCVs.
Now, how about the position of the value of public consumption in the cities of Central Java SBH compared to other SBH cities?
#SahabatStatistik is curious about the continuation of the 2018 SBH results right?
Stay tuned and wait for our next update only on BPSProvJateng channel!