Finalization Diagram of 2018 SBH Weigh and 2018 Basic Year CPI - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Finalization Diagram of 2018 SBH Weigh and 2018 Basic Year CPI

Finalization Diagram of 2018 SBH Weigh and 2018 Basic Year CPI

April 29, 2019 | BPS Activities

#SahabatStatistik still remember, on April 11th, the heads of statistical statistics for the distribution of BPS provinces throughout Indonesia, including Central Java BPS attended the Workshop on Weighing Diagrams of the Cost of Living (SBH) 2018 and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 2018 = 100 in Yogyakarta.

Now, as a continuation, it is now the turn of the Head of Consumer Price Statistics (HK) and the Wholesale Trade Price (HPB) of Central Java BPS along with the Head of Distribution Statistics of 6 Central Java CPI Cities who participated in the 2018 SBH Finalization Workshop at Aston Hotel & Residence, Batam, 22- April 23, 2019. The main objective is the finalization of commodity packages in 90 2018 SBH cities.
What is the commodity package?

Commodity packages reflect a group of goods / services that are commonly consumed by people in a city, and are selected based on 2018 SBH results.
This commodity package will be routinely surveyed in the Consumer Price Survey (SHK) to then be processed into a new base year inflation rate, 2018 = 100.

The 2012 SBH commodity packages in 6 Central Java SBH cities, namely Cilacap, Purwokerto, Kudus, Semarang, Surakarta, Tegal covered 266-417 commodities, and in 2018 it is estimated that their scope will increase and change according to
current consumption patterns of society.

#SahabatStatistik curious about what products / services will be selected as the 2018 SBH commodity packages in 6 Central Java cities?

Look forward to the release of our 2018 SBH results ...

# price consumers
# sbh2018
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