Decreased Disadvantaged Villages in 2018 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Decreased Disadvantaged Villages in 2018

Decreased Disadvantaged Villages in 2018

December 10, 2018 | BPS Activities

Beautiful! That was the impression when I was on the 10th floor of the BPS building (10/12) this morning. Backdrop shades of rural areas, backsound of instrumental flutes and Javanese gamelan, village-specific angkringan settings, and batik lurik-style clothes worn by the committee, added to the gurgling of the results of BPS-census village data collection podes every three years. "BPS records all villages in census rather than samples with clear conditions: there are regions, residents, and government. If one of the village boundaries is not fulfilled, we will not collect the data, "explained the Head of BPS, Kecuk Suhariyanto.The results of the podes data collection showed that there were 83,931 administrative administrative areas at the village level covering 75,436 villages, 8,444 urban villages, and 51 Transmigration Settlement Units. BPS also calculates the Village Development Index (IPD) with five dimensions, namely: the availability of basic services, conditions of infrastructure, transportation, public services, and administration of village government. Based on the IPD there was an improvement in the status of the village, where underdeveloped villages were reduced by 6,518 villages in 2018 compared to 2014.The Minister of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (PDTT), Eko Putro Sandjojo, who was present at the event explained the various achievements that had been made for village development. "During 2015-2018, the government has built a village road along 158,619 km. This has never happened before for 73 years of independent Indonesia, "said Eko.Village funds are not everything. Later village funds will become a stimulus only, not the main means of building villages. This village fund program can succeed with the collaboration of various ministries, and certainly monitored from the results of the podes data collection released by BPS. The program continued with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between BPS and the Ministry of Village of PDTT regarding the provision, utilization and development of statistical data and information to support the implementation of development and community empowerment in villages, disadvantaged areas, and transmigration areas.
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