SUTAS 2018 has started - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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SUTAS 2018 has started

SUTAS 2018 has started

May 2, 2018 | BPS Activities

SUTAS 2018 has started

May 1 may be red dates and holidays but not for us, surveyors.
We are present in the midst of the community to meet the needs of the latest agricultural data. Yes ... Yes, May 1 is the first step to be initiated simultaneously in the Intercensal Agriculture Survey (SUTAS2018). Officers began to move towards the regional authority (Village Head, RT / RW Chair) to request permission and obtain information on community characteristics
Furthermore, officers will hold a registration of physical buildings in all selected sample census blocks. If the household has one or more household members managing the agricultural business, it will ask further questions about ownership and management of the land, innovation and technology used and post-harvest and processing of their crops.
Let's support and succeed SUTAS 2018
Prosperous farmers, CAN !!

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