Organizing Development of Statistical Coaching Clinic Dissemination - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Organizing Development of Statistical Coaching Clinic Dissemination

Organizing Development of Statistical Coaching Clinic Dissemination

May 15, 2018 | Other Activities

Acting on the programs we have offered about SCC, here's the answer ... SCC Perdana.
Today @bpsprovjateng held the Development of Statistical Coaching Clinic Dissemination held at the New Metro Semarang Hotel with the aim of developing a National Statistics System and increasing public interest in statistics.
The activity was opened directly by the Head of BPS Central Java Province @margo_yuwono who also gave directions and an overview of economic indicators, and also Dr. Tarno, M.Si and Moch. Abdul Mukid, M.Sc from the Chairperson of the Statistics Department of UNDIP who delivered the material on Data Presentation Techniques and instructors from Central Java BPS who presented material Understanding Socio-Economic Indicators (HDI, GRDP, Inflation and Poverty). This free SCC activity is free of charge.

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