November 28, 2024 | Other Activities
KLATEN, -The pouring rain in the city of a thousand pennants, Klaten, did not dampen the enthusiasm of the students of Widya Dharma University (UNWIDHA) Klaten to attend the launch of the Statistics Corner on their campus.
The Head of BPS for Jaewa Tengah Province, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih, was present to launch the announcement and deliver a public lecture at the event held in the UNWIDHA Klaten rectorate hall on Thursday, 28 November 2024. Apart from the Head of BPS for Central Java Province, the charter of the declaration was also signed by the Chancellor of UNWIDHA, the Head of the Communication and Information Technology Department. Klaten, Head of BPS Klaten Regency, and Head of BRI Klaten Branch.
The UNWIDHA Statistics Corner which stands in the campus library area is a collaboration of 3 (three) institutions: BPS, UNWIDHA and BRI Klaten Branch. UNWIDHA Chancellor, Prof. Triyono welcomed the collaboration that existed. The hope is that the Statistics Corner can be utilized optimally for students and the academic community. Moreover, this Statistics Corner is integrated with the library so that statistical services can be served without having to come to the BPS Office.
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