November 26, 2024 | Other Activities
BANYUMAS, - BPS Banyumas Regency together with Telkom University Purwokerto launched a Statistics Corner as well as a public lecture which was integrated with the 5th Anniversary activities (Dynamics 5.0) of the Telkom University Data Science Study Program.
This Statistics Corner is the second Statistics Corner under the guidance of BPS Banyumas Regency, after previously the Statistics Corner was also inaugurated at Jenderal Soedirman University.
The Telkom University Statistics Corner was jointly inaugurated by the Head of Central Java Province BPS Endang Tri Wahyuningsih, Telkom University Director Tenia Wahyuningrum, Head of Banyumas Regency BPS Moh. Fatichuddin, and Head of Data Science Study Program Siti Khomsah.
The theme raised in this public lecture was Achieving Sustainable Development Goals Through Innovative Data Analysis, Machine Learning and National Statistical Insights.
BPS continues to strive to be closer to the community at various levels so that the results of its activities are more useful and have a wider impact. Collaboration with Universities through the Statistics Corner is also an effort to strengthen the National Statistics System, increase literacy and use of statistics in the Higher Education environment.
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