The Role of BPS in Resolving Jawa Tengah Democratic Problems - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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The Role of BPS in Resolving Jawa Tengah Democratic Problems

The Role of BPS in Resolving Jawa Tengah Democratic Problems

July 22, 2024 | Other Activities

UNGARAN, - The Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) is a composite indicator that shows the level of democratic development in Indonesia. IDI is a measure of political development that is based on fact-based information, requires cooperation between government agencies, and is prepared by involving elements of society outside the government.

The 2023 Central Java IDI is higher than the National IDI and Inter-Provincial IDI. Every aspect of the 2023 Central Java IDI is also higher than all national and provincial aspects. Even though the Central Java IDI score in 2023 is already high, namely 80.87 points, this score has decreased compared to 2022 which was 84.79 points.

Head of Jawa Tengah Province BPS, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih explained the condition of Central Java IDI in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Resolving Jawa Tengah Democracy Problems on Monday, July 22 2024 at the C3 Hotel Ungaran. Endang explained that IDI cannot be predicted because it is an actual condition. One of the aspects that causes the largest decline in the Jawa Tengah IDI value in 2023 is the aspect of the capacity of democratic institutions.

This FGD was opened by the Head of the Domestic Politics Division of the Jawa Tengah Province National Unity and Politics Agency (Kesbangpol), Agung Kristianto. The event, which was moderated by the Head of the Semarang Regency Kesbangpol Agency, Suyana, was attended by participants from Jawa Tengah Provincial Manpower Service, Secretary of the Council, MUI, representatives of Political Parties and mass media.

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