The Excitement of the RAT BPS Jawa Tengah Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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The Excitement of the RAT BPS Jawa Tengah Province

The Excitement of the  RAT BPS Jawa Tengah Province

April 2, 2019 | Other Activities

Still from the excitement of the program RAT BPS Jawa Tengah Province #statistic friendship.
Like eating without salt, RAT feels tasteless without a door prize. There were dozens of door prizes shared, ranging from towels, irons, pans, stoves to washing machines and bicycles as the main door prize. And..congratulation for Diah Indah and Dhinta Mayasari who managed to get the main door prize. Yeyy..🤗
For those who have not yet got the door prize, don't bite their fingers ... just bite the snack.
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