Kebumen Regency Poverty Alleviation Document Hearing - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Kebumen Regency Poverty Alleviation Document Hearing

Kebumen Regency Poverty Alleviation Document Hearing

July 16, 2024 | Other Activities

On Tuesday, July 16 2024, Bappeda Kebumen Regency held an audience with BPS Central Java Province in the context of consultation and discussion on the preparation of regional poverty reduction documents for Kebumen Regency. Bappeda Kebumen Regency intends to obtain the latest data and information regarding poverty in Kebumen Regency, as well as to collaborate with BPS in compiling regional poverty reduction documents for Kebumen Regency that are effective and right on target. The Head of the Kebumen Regency Bappeda, Bahrun Munawir, was present at the Central Java Province BPS office with his team and accompanied by the Head of the BPS Kebumen , Kus Haryono. The group was received by the Head of Central Java Province BPS, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih and his team.

In this audience, Bahrun delivered a presentation about the conditions of Kebumen Regency and the programs that had been implemented by the regional government. Furthermore, Endang provided responses and suggestions regarding the data and information submitted, as well as conveying additional data and information relevant to the preparation of regional poverty reduction documents for Kebumen Regency.

Both parties agreed to continue collaborating in preparing regional poverty reduction documents for Kebumen Regency. Central Java Province BPS will continue to provide data and information related to poverty, while Kebumen Regency Bappeda will use this data and information in preparing effective and targeted poverty reduction documents for the Kebumen Regency area.
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