2018 Central Java Province Poverty Alleviation Team Consolidation Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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2018 Central Java Province Poverty Alleviation Team Consolidation Meeting

 2018 Central Java Province Poverty Alleviation Team Consolidation Meeting

December 19, 2018 | Other Activities

The Head of Central Java Province BPS, Sentot Bangun Widoyono was present as a guest speaker at the 2018 Central Java Province Poverty Alleviation Team Consolidation Meeting in Central Java Bappeda Office, Wednesday (19/12).
In his presentation, Sentot conveyed about the analysis of poverty data to determine programs and priorities for poverty reduction targets.
The event, which was opened by the Head of the Central Java Provincial Bappeda, Sujarwanto Dwiatmoko, was also attended by the Deputy Governor of Central Java, Taj Yasin Maimoen and all Deputy Regents / Walilota throughout Central Java as the chair of the TKPKD in each region.
Taj Yasin expressed his affirmation and evaluation of government programs and strategies in an effort to reduce the number of poor people in Central Java.
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