BPS Hearing Prov. Central Java related to the Preparation of the 2020 Population Census - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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BPS Hearing Prov. Central Java related to the Preparation of the 2020 Population Census

BPS Hearing Prov. Central Java related to the Preparation of the 2020 Population Census

August 12, 2019 | BPS Activities

"This single data for Indonesia, this is what ... digitalization and participation are important, so decisions based on valid data from BPS will make the right decision"

That was the closing sentence from the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo when receiving a hearing at BPS Prov. Central Java related to the Preparation of the 2020 Population Census. The hearing that took place at Wisma Puri Gedeh, Semarang (12/8) was also attended by the Head of the Communication and Information Agency, the Head of Bappeda and the Head of Dispermadesdukcapil in Central Java.

The Provincial Government of Central Java is ready to support and succeed the 2020 Population Census. He received assistance from all his staff to assist in the socialization and implementation later.

Online Population Census, Towards One Indonesian Data
📝 [PR, Yy]

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# Population Census2020
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