Synergy between BPS and Pelindo - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Synergy between BPS and Pelindo

Synergy between BPS and Pelindo

October 23, 2023 | Other Activities

BPS Central Java Province received a visit from PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) Regional Semarang on Monday, 23 October 2023. During the visit, Semarang Container Terminal Manager, Vincentius Aditya said that this visit aimed to ask for support from BPS Central Java Province in providing Strategy Study data Improvement and Growth of Containers in Semarang.
Received directly by the Head of Central Java Province BPS, Dadang Hardiwan, this visit was continued with a discussion regarding industrial developments and commodity prices in Central Java. Not only that, this discussion also discussed the potential for exports and imports through the Tanjung Mas Port in Semarang as well as the availability of Pelindo data in supporting the Central Java economy.
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