Halal Bihalal Strengthens the Relationship between BPS and OPD - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Halal Bihalal Strengthens the Relationship between BPS and OPD

Halal Bihalal Strengthens the Relationship between BPS and OPD

April 5, 2024 | Other Activities

Halal Bihalal has a deep meaning, not only as a form of forgiveness, but also as an effort to strengthen friendship.

Located at the Central Java Governor's Office (16/4), the Head of Central Java Province BPS, Dadang Hardiwan accompanied by the Chair of the Central Java Province BPS Dharma Wanita Association (DWP) attended the Halal Bihalal Idul Fitri 1445 H event held by the Central Java Provincial Government.

The Heads of Ministries/Institutions and OPDs in Central Java Province who were present were welcomed by the Acting Governor of Central Java (Nana Sudjana), accompanied by the Regional Secretary of Central Java Province (Sumarno).
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