Ganjar Pranowo: Regsosek in Jawa Tengah must be guarded, the public must be honest! - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Ganjar Pranowo: Regsosek in Jawa Tengah must be guarded, the public must be honest!

Ganjar Pranowo: Regsosek in Jawa Tengah must be guarded, the public must be honest!

September 21, 2022 | BPS Activities

Socio-Economic Registration (REGSOSEK) produces a system and database of the entire population consisting of profiles, social conditions, economy, and welfare levels that are linked to population master data and other databases up to the village/kelurahan level.

The initial data collection for Regsosek 2022 is carried out with a family approach which will be carried out from October 15 to November 14, 2022.

What can you do?
As said by Mr. Ganjar, accept the Regsosek officer and give an honest and correct answer.

See you at your house :) 


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