Initial Regsosek Data Collection Starts from the Jawa Tengah Governor's House, Next Your House. - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Initial Regsosek Data Collection Starts from the Jawa Tengah Governor's House, Next Your House.

Initial Regsosek Data Collection Starts from the Jawa Tengah Governor's House, Next Your House.

October 15, 2022 | BPS Activities

#Friends of Statistics, today is the first day of the Preliminary Data Collection for Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) by the Central Statistics Agency. Take note of the data collection date, October 15-14 November 2022.

The initial Regsosek data collection is a data collection of the entire population covering all socio-economic profiles and conditions, such as geographical socioeconomic conditions, housing conditions and clean water sanitation, asset ownership, vulnerability conditions for special population groups, geospatial information, welfare levels, and other socio-economic information. The results of Regsosek will provide a ranking of the welfare of each resident which will help increase the effectiveness of government intervention programs.

Who is listed? All families in 514 districts/cities throughout Indonesia. #Friends of Statistics, accept the arrival of Regsosek officers and give correct and honest answers.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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