HAPPY WORLD CONTRACEPTION DAY - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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September 26, 2020 | Other Activities

apart from commemorating National Statistics Day, today we also commemorate World Contraception Day. Indonesia carries the National Theme "Plan for Reproductive Health Comfortably" to accommodate the Global World Contraception Day (WCD 2020) theme, namely "To increase awareness of all contraceptive methods available and enable young people to make.
informed choices on their sexual and reproductive health ”.

The concept that wants to be conveyed to the community is to provide education that family planning is not just the use of contraception, but a complete and comprehensive planning at various stages of life; starting from adolescent reproductive health, planning a family, planning pregnancy and its distance, planning childcare, and planning old age life.

Even so, the use of contraceptive tools and drugs is a concrete effort in realizing good reproductive health. Understanding the ins and outs of contraceptives will bring comfort to acceptors for family planning. That way, the public will avoid rumors about contraception that are misleading.

BKKBN together with partners open wide channels of information so that the public can get a good explanation. This can be done through Family Planning Extension Officers, Family Planning Cadres, Midwives who are around you. There is also BKKBN's official social media both central and representative, as well as the current skata.id and klikkb applications with complete content.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, keep on family planning. Midwives and family planning clinics still serve the community for family planning installation and consultation. It's just that, its implementation by paying attention to health protocols carefully.

Especially @bkkbn_jateng
The spirit always serves and educates the public.

#Understand and plan comfortably
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Tengah (Statistics of Jawa Tengah Province)Jl.Pahlawan No. 6 Telp. 024 - 8412802


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