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Happy National Electricity Day
October 27, 2020 | Other Activities
In this online era, especially during a pandemic like today, it is guaranteed that you will die if the power fails. Can't join zoom meetings, low cellphone, can't open Youtube, can't reply to Whatsapp, can't play IG, play Tiktok, flirt or even play games.
You can imagine how important the role of electricity is in our lives
The need for electricity which is increasing from year to year can be seen from the growing number of customers.
Based on Central Java Provincial Publications in Figures, the number of electricity customers in Central Java Province tends to increase every year. In 2019, the number of electricity customers in Central Java reached 10,393,738 customers, of which 92% were household groups.
So, for #sahabatstatistik at home, let's use electricity wisely.
Hey, who here is the usual cellphone charger that's still flashy even though it's not already in use?
Save energy, save earth
Happy National Electricity Day Illuminate the Archipelago Together