World Osteoporosis Day - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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World Osteoporosis Day

World Osteoporosis Day

October 21, 2020 | Other Activities

When the bones are weak and brittle then start to be careful. It could be #sahabatstatistik have osteoporosis.

Osteoprosis is a condition when the quality of bone density decreases. Osteoporosis can be prevented by fulfilling the consumption of protein and calcium. Protein and calcium are found in milk, eggs, spinach, and tofu.

#Sahabatstatistik needs to know, the population of Central Java consumes an average of 8-9 eggs per capita per month in 2019. Meanwhile, consumption of powdered milk tends to be low at only 64 grams per capita per month or the equivalent of 4-5 tablespoons per capita. per month. Meanwhile, the average consumption of green vegetables, such as spinach, is 300 grams per capita per month. Of the four types of food mentioned above, the most consumption is tofu. The consumption of tofu for the population of Central Java is 717 grams or as much as 7-8 spoons of normal rice per person per month.

Come on #sahabatstatistik, let's meet our daily protein and calcium consumption needs so that we can avoid osteoporosis.
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