Eid Al-Adha Mubarak - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Eid Al-Adha Mubarak

Eid Al-Adha Mubarak

July 31, 2020 | Other Activities

Are you a sheep, goat or cow team?

In Indonesia, especially in Central Java, these 3 types of livestock are the most widely used as sacrificial animals in the celebration of Iduladha.

The Central Java Province Publication in Figures notes that the population of beef cattle, goats and sheep in 2019 will increase compared to 2018.

In 2019, beef cattle population in Central Java will reach 1769.19 thousand head. The largest population is in Blora Regency, reaching 247.91 thousand heads.

Whereas the sheep and goat population in Central Java in 2019 are 2.4 million and 3.97 million, respectively.
Data on other livestock populations is also available in this publication.

Uh, there are also people who sacrifice with buffalo. Is it one of your places?

Eid Al-Adha Mubarak 1441H, may we always be provided with ease and blessings at every step of our way, and be immediately removed from the covid-19 pandemic.

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