Central Java Numbers Released August 2019 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Central Java Numbers Released August 2019

Central Java Numbers Released August 2019

September 2, 2019 | BPS Activities

Monday (2/9), BPS of Central Java Province released the number of Central Java August 2019 increase of 0.33 percent. This figure is higher than the national amount of 0.12 percent.

BPS Central Java Province noted, 5 main contributing commodities in August 2019, namely: PDAM drinking water tariffs, cayenne pepper, red chillies, parking fees, and rice.

The increase in PDAM tariffs and parking rates that occur in the city of Semarang, in accordance with the Semarang city regulations imposed on the rates of the two contracts.
The increase in tariffs that occurred in the city of Semarang has a higher share of Central Java, the weight of the City of Semarang in the calculation of Central Java by 51%, far higher than the weight of the 5 other cities of Central Java CPI.

Chili also remains a major contributor contributor for 3 consecutive months (June-August 2019). On the other hand, the shallot and garlic duo, as well as air transport rates and intercity transport tariffs became the main commodities that increased during the two months that followed (July-August 2019). Want to know more about the increase in Central Java?
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