2019 Population Census Clean Rehearsal Coordination Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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2019 Population Census Clean Rehearsal Coordination Meeting

2019 Population Census Clean Rehearsal Coordination Meeting

June 14, 2019 | BPS Activities

Peek at the neighbor's kitchen.
Those are the three personal descriptions of the Central Java SP2020 Preparation Team, Muh. Saichudin, Minatus Saniyah and Tri Karjono at the SP2020 Clean Rehearsal Preparation Coordination Meeting of the Yogyakarta Special Province of Yogyakarta held on June 12, 2019 at the Dafam Rohan Hotel, Gedong Kuning. The event was attended and opened by BPS-RI Deputy for Social Statistics Margo Yuwono with the team. The three of them were assigned to discuss various matters related to the SP2020 net rehearsal process which will also be conducted in Jebres Village, Surakarta on June 17 to August 20 to come. The next day the souvenirs from the results of 'broadcasting' were delivered in the initial meeting with BPS in Surakarta. Although passing SP2010 at a rehearsal in Kulonprogo (Yogyakarta) is not fully carried out as will be done in Surakarta, but it is expected to be able to become a provision for the smooth and successful process of clean rehearsals in Surakarta. [✍📷: tekaje]

# sp2020
#Data Intensifying the Nation
#Move DataData
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