Population Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Population Data

Population Data

August 20, 2019 | BPS Activities

# Friends of Statistics, have you heard that there are residents who inevitably enter RT RTU or there are residents who are not accepted by their RT for various reasons?
Most of them are Indonesian residents as long as they live in Indonesian territory for a certain period of time or intend to live in Indonesian territory.
Rusunawa Jebres and the UNS student dormitory, both of which have two places, do not have their own RT and RT where both areas are needed to regulate their management. So the occupants inside are not monitored by the RT and the SP2020 Gladiator Data Collection team.
The Provincial BPS and Surakarta City BPS Task Force Teams on August 19, 2019 jumped in to record residents at these two locations. It turns out that in the UNS Student Dormitory there are many foreign students expected from Thailand, Vietnam, Tunisia, Rwanda, Siera Lion, Libya and many more. Unfortunately, they are not a little fluent in Indonesian. This is why input about officers in such areas requires minimal proficiency in English or questions in English. 📝 [KJ, tekaje]

# SP2020
# census population2020
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Tengah (Statistics of Jawa Tengah Province)Jl.Pahlawan No. 6 Telp. 024 - 8412802


8412805 Fax. 024 - 8311195 e-mail : jateng@bps.go.id


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