Completed Surgery for Central Java Economic Operations Figures II 2019 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Completed Surgery for Central Java Economic Operations Figures II 2019

 Completed Surgery for Central Java Economic Operations Figures II 2019

August 5, 2019 | BPS Activities

"Bank Indonesia calculates, BPS calculates"

That is a bit of the opening sentence in the complete surgical program of economic growth in Central Java in the second quarter of 2019. Events that are held routinely between BPS (Regional Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis) and Bank Indonesia which holds a meeting in Central Java held a laden event that will discuss.

In the meeting which was held shortly after the release (5/8), located in the fifth floor of the BPS floor, BI was represented by 5 people from the Economic and Monetary Sector.
This routine discussion is a very useful forum for the quality of data produced by BPS. Do not let the indicators produced by BPS are not produced by each other.

Btw, #sahabatstatistik already know that Central Java's economic growth has not reached the second quarter of 2019? Official news can be seen at 📝 [KJ, Ran]
📷 [KH, at @ n @] # economic growth
#Bank Indonesia
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