Central Java Economic Growth in Quarter II 2020 Contraction by -5.94% - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Central Java Economic Growth in Quarter II 2020 Contraction by -5.94%

Central Java Economic Growth in Quarter II 2020 Contraction by -5.94%

October 22, 2020 | BPS Activities


#sahabatstatistik do you know that shopping can improve the economy of a region? Central Java Province BPS noted that household expenditure or consumption contributed 61.73% to regional economic formation.

If household consumption increases or people's purchasing power increases, it will encourage production demand.
If the demand for production increases, the industry will increase its products and the purchase of production raw materials will increase. These production raw materials are usually produced by farmers so that they can revive the domestic economy.

Let's shop by prioritizing local products or results from MSMEs for the sake of our regional economic growth. Increasing spending can also help boost an economy that is dying from the pandemic.

#sahabatstatistik shopping let's
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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