The visit of the DPD RI, Drs H. Akhmad Muqowam - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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The visit of the DPD RI, Drs H. Akhmad Muqowam

The visit of the DPD RI, Drs H. Akhmad Muqowam

July 24, 2019 | BPS Activities

BPS Again Guest Arrival.

This guest came from the Regional Representative Council (DPD) of RI, Drs. H. Akhmad Muqowam joined the group. During his visit he collected information related to population administration.

The group was received directly by the Head of BPS Prov. Central Java, Sentot Bangun Widoyono. Share its staff by conveying information about the 2020 Population Census by BPS.
SP2020 will be carried out by a combined method, in which one that is successful is an independent census through the website.

Akhmad Muqowam said he was ready to support the implementation of the upcoming SP2020, including asking the Head of BPS of Central Java Province to oversee the acceleration of the Perpres of Asminduk Biological Statistics which is needed for the smooth operation of SP2020. On that occasion he also advised that the socialization of SP2020 be carried out maximally.

Assiaapp Mr .... 📝 [Public Relations, Yy]

# SP2020
# Population Census2020
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