Working Visit of DPR Commission XI: Monitoring the Readiness of Ramadan and Eid 1443H - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Working Visit of DPR Commission XI: Monitoring the Readiness of Ramadan and Eid 1443H

Working Visit of DPR Commission XI: Monitoring the Readiness of Ramadan and Eid 1443H

April 11, 2022 | Other Activities

The House of Representatives Commission XI, which is a partner of BPS-Statistics Indonesia, carried out Specific Working Visits in the Provinces of West Java, Central Java, and DI Yogyakarta to supervise regional readiness for Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1443H, 8-10 April 2022. In addition to BPS, the working visit was also attended by representatives from Bank Indonesia (BI), the Financial Services Authority, Representatives of State Banks (Himbara), and local governments.

The Main Secretary of BPS, Atqo Mardiyanto when he was present in West Java explained the general phenomena currently happening and the description of commodity prices in West Java Province. "Several food commodities experienced an increase in West Java in March 2022. This is one of the causes of inflation in March, above the national average, both month-to-month and year-on-year," said Atqo. Furthermore, Atqo conveyed the potential for inflation that needs to be watched out for in April 2022, because it was triggered by an increase in the administered prices component.

While the Deputy for Methodology and Statistical Information of BPS, Imam Machdi during a working visit in Central Java revealed the latest phenomena that are happening, including climate change that affects food production globally, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the global supply chain, and the war between Russia and Ukraine. which exacerbates the condition of food and energy scarcity. “Food and energy commodity prices tend to show a significant increase. In March 2022, inflation was recorded at 0.66 percent month-to-month, in Central Java alone it reached 0.75 percent. Meanwhile, year-on-year inflation was recorded at 2.64 percent and Central Java recorded 2.42 percent, "explained Imam.

BPS Deputy for Distribution Statistics and Services, Setianto who was present on a working visit in DIY, explained that until the fourth quarter of 2021, the national economic development was 5.02 percent (YoY) and 1.6 percent (q-to-q). "This is a good move considering that in 2020 and early 2021, the pandemic is still in the spotlight. Then the economic growth in DIY is not much different nationally," he said.

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