Commission XI DPR RI Specific Working Visit to Jawa Tengah - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Commission XI DPR RI Specific Working Visit to Jawa Tengah

Commission XI DPR RI Specific Working Visit to Jawa Tengah

April 7, 2023 | Other Activities

Semarang-Thursday (6/4) Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics, Pudji Ismartini and Head of BPS Central Java Province, Adhi Wiriana attended the Special Working Visit of Commission XI DPR RI to Central Java which was held at Tentrem Hotel Semarang.

Commission XI DPR RI is one of eleven Commissions of the DPR RI, which has a scope of duties in finance and banking. In his introduction, Dr. H. Mustofa, SE, MM. As chairman of the meeting, said that the working visit of Commission XI of the DPR RI wanted to obtain informational data related to the development of Jawa Tengah inflation, as well as commodities that had the greatest influence on Jawa Tengah's inflation achievements. Action plans and strategies that have been implemented in an effort to deal with price increases during Ramadan and Idul Fitri.

The working visit was also attended by Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia, Aida S Budiman, Head of Jawa Tengah Province BI Representative, Rahmat Dwi Saputra, as well as related officials within Bank Indonesia and the Regional Government of Jawa Tengah Province who were attended by Amar Ustadi Abdulah, PPKU Middle Expert Policy Analyst Province of Jawa Tengah.
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