Plantation Strategic Commodity Survey (VTEBU2019) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Plantation Strategic Commodity Survey (VTEBU2019)

Plantation Strategic Commodity Survey (VTEBU2019)

July 20, 2019 | BPS Activities

Plantation Strategic Commodity Survey (VTEBU2019)

BPS Central Java Province is one of 7 provinces that became the sample of the implementation of the Strategic Plantation Commodity Survey (Plantation Commodity) Cane Commodities through households (VTEBU2019). There are 4 districts in Central Java Province that are the sample of VTEBU2019, namely Kudus, Rembang, Jepara and Sragen.

VTEBU2019 supports to obtain extensive data estimation and production of sugarcane business households, as well as distribution patterns of sugarcane production results and also uses a weighting pending system to online tabulation based on Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) using Android.
The VTEBU2019 fieldwork will take place from July to August 2019.
All Officers have attended the training of officers at the New Merdeka Hotel, Pati.

Happy weekend #FriendsStatistik all 📝KJ: isk @ nd 📷 Fokspro

# vtebu2019
#petanise prospera
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