Consumer Tendency Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Consumer Tendency Survey

 Consumer Tendency Survey

March 24, 2019 | BPS Activities

Getting useful information for the country is not always easy. But our determination is strong to get quality data.

Data fighters of the Consumer Tendency Survey (CTS)
BPS Semarang City enthusiastically asked one by one questions from the questionnaire. Because knowing the results of the STK data is always awaited by business people. The results will soon be released by the Central Java Provincial BPS into the Consumer Tendency Index (CTI / ITK). ITK is an indicator of early information about the economy.
This ITK not only provides information about the community economy in the previous quarter but also provides knowledge of community expectations for the economy in the following quarter. Interesting right? #SahabatStatistik curious about the results? Stay tune the release at
[di@n@ dwiS]
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