Preparation of the 2020 Population Census Rehearsal - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Preparation of the 2020 Population Census Rehearsal

Preparation of the 2020 Population Census Rehearsal

June 26, 2019 | BPS Activities

# Friends of Statistics
Plan for the Implementation of the 2020 Population Census (SP2020) with the combined method is able to make the participants of the SP2020 Rehearsal Coordination Meeting (Rakor) Preparation in Horizon NJ, Semarang (25/6). The enthusiasm of the participants was seen when Deputy Social Statistics, Dr. Margo Yuwono, S.Si, M.Sc., delivered material related to the new method (25/6).
The coordination meeting which was attended by 111 participants from BPS, BPS of Central Java Province and BPS of Kab / Kota in Central Java was held in preparation for the SP2020 Rehearsal to be held in Surakarta City. Census completion process.
In his presentation, Margo Yuwono said that he had decided to leave the conventional method until the current achievements. One of the most favored by Indonesians is "most of the changes". But with a solid team and support from various parties, success in supporting this activity is increasingly apparent.
The story told by Margo Yuwono conveyed the enthusiasm of the participants' curiosity. Although the material will be disseminated to participants, some participants seemed happy to document with their smart phones.
[PR]. #bpsprovjateng
# census population2020
# sp2020
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