Inter-Regional Input-Output (IRIO) Preparation begins with the SKIO Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Inter-Regional Input-Output (IRIO) Preparation begins with the SKIO Survey

Inter-Regional Input-Output (IRIO) Preparation begins with the SKIO Survey

May 17, 2019 | BPS Activities

Inter-Regional Input-Output (IRIO) Preparation begins with the SKIO Survey

In order to support spatial-based development plans, BPS supports the government to prepare IRIOs. In Indonesia, IRIO arrangements will be based on a meeting of Supply and Use Tables (SUT) using data for 2016. For this reason, preparations for national SUTs and SUTs in 34 provinces will be carried out.

Expected contribution from IRIO Preparation in the 2019 Government Work Plan (RKP) to strengthen the investment system in Indonesia. At present the count between regions is still large and this is a financial problem in Indonesia.
In realizing this, the Indonesian government must have data on the interaction and mobility of the population, capital, and investment for inter-regional, inter-island, and inter-province transfers.

But BPS cannot work alone. The crucial phase for IRIO's success is a shared commitment with stakeholders and the community. Collaboration of BPS is needed in conveying various types of data needed in IRIO.

As a first step, the regional BPS conducted the SKIO survey conducted from May - June 2019. BPS Wonosobo Regency has started this survey to the public.

Let's support the steps of BPS for the progress of Nation Development! 📝 [KJ, at @ n @ dwiS]
📷 [Widhi]

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