Survey of PMTB 2019 Disaggregation - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Survey of PMTB 2019 Disaggregation

Survey of PMTB 2019 Disaggregation

May 2, 2019 | BPS Activities

Survey of PMTB 2019 Disaggregation

Investment is one of the most important instruments for a country's economy. Because investment will encourage economic growth. Referring to the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 72 of 2018 concerning 2019 Government Work Plan (RKP), the fourth national priority is the development of business and tourism. The development of the business world cannot be separated from the improvement of the investment climate and job creation. For this reason, data on investment information is needed as a basis for government programs.
The target activity is the availability of Gross Fixed Capital Formation (PMTB) data, or better known as investment that has been disaggregated according to business fields and institutions. The detailed PMTB data is really needed by the government in planning more realistic and specific economic growth targets as well as being useful in budget allocation policies. For the business world, the data generated from this activity can provide information on the position and estimated demand and the provision of investment so that it helps in developing a business strategy.

#SahabatStatistik, in April - June 2019, our officers will visit PMTB samples both companies from all types of categories, government and household businesses. It is hoped that support from all parties is needed in the success of this national priority. 📝 [KJ, at @ n @ dwiS] 📷 [Wiwin, Purnomo, Septiana]

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